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Experimentations with Ink

Below is my series of primary source photographs that capture the movement of ink when dripped into water. I took these ink experiment photographs after studying Supmanee Chaisansuk, who is an artist that uses ink and its motion to describe air pollution in her surroundings. The ink is symbolic of air pollution, since like air pollution it disperses in an environment with a different density, ultimately engulfing it and changing its appearance to the new colour. I wanted to see how colours would dilute and affect the environment they were in, which is why i have photographs of various different colours of ink. Whilst the blue and the green ink helped inform me into the motion of air pollution, i decided that these colours didd not reflect the aesthetic of air pollution since they are too bright and aren't similar to the colours in air pollution or its processes. Instead i found the brown, black, red and orange ink to be the successful colours for depicting air pollution since these colours are similar to the colours used to  in the processes to make smoke as well as the smoke itself. The red and orange emphasises the burning of fossil fuels, as well as creating an apocalyptic aesthetic from the dense colours. Through experimenting with different combinations of ink, i found that the most appropriate was a combination of brown, red and orange, since the black ink was too overpowering and blocked out the other colours. From these photographs i produced ink experiments which can be seen under my artist research of Supmanee Chaisansuk. These photographs were also an essential feature in my digital collages since they are what formed the background and colour palette. Since there are numerous photos, they had to be cropped to fit onto the page, to see the full image click on each of the photos.

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